Stereo tools crackle
Stereo tools crackle

  • Added option to load "Config" settings when using STS file polling/scheduling.
  • Bug fix: UECP: RDS RadioText with a / in it was not transmitted correctly.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Max Attack/Release Speed values were displayed incorrectly in 9.80 (the behavior was not affected).
  • Bug fix: MacOS version crashes when loading preset file with affinity info Fixed for stand alone.
  • stereo tools crackle

    WatchCat: Added scrollbar to input settings window, which didn't fit on very small monitors.MicroMPX: Added option to show reseller company logo.


  • MicroMPX: Added much easier license activation mechanism, no need anymore to mail request codes to us if you have internet during licensing.
  • STXtreme: Added workaround for issue with still unknown cause that caused the I/O board to not respond on one unit.
  • Dependency removal: Linux/Mac versions don't use libCurl anymore for access to websites.
  • Advanced Clipper now explicitly bypasses the Simple clipper pre-limiter, which could introduce pumping if configured incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: Small bug (wrong threshold) in bass vs highs IMD filtering was introduced in version 9.80.
  • Bug fix: AGC "WB linking" mode used the settings of the last band instead of the 2nd band.
  • Bug fix: VST version: GUI was displayed too small in all VST plugins.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Limiter slow release times never worked.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Limiter had pre-ringing effect and used more CPU load than needed.
  • Now they work with the ratio that's reached at -6 dB.
  • Compressors: Analog mode: Limiters did not work in Progressive Release mode.
  • Multiband Compressor 1: Analog mode: Added "Sudden drop protection", speeds up release on large level drops (Dynamic Speeds + Max release speed mode).
  • BS412: Added "Auto adjust for target level" setting that auto-adjusts the input if target (0, +3 dBm etc) is changed, also compensates for pilot/rds levels.
  • BS412: Added "Hot compressor" mode for a more compressed and possibly slightly louder "radio-like" sound.
  • stereo tools crackle

  • BS412: New BS412 limiter, with more feedback predictors and multiple feedforward level measurements over different intervals.Įxisting presets are automatically updated, you can still manually select the old Legacy mode if needed.
  • MicroMPX V.4 encoding uses little CPU power, making it usable on a Pi 4.
  • Rasbperry Pi version: Added MicroMPX encoding to the ARM versions of Stereo Tool.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX encoder built into Stereo Tool could cause pilot phase to move incorrectly for certain Quality/Number of CPU threads combinations since 9.80.
  • Back to overview Documentation version 9.23 1

    Stereo tools crackle